Plastic Free Friday- Inspiration Is Everywhere
The 3'R have changed into the 5R's. Refuse, reduce, reuse, recycle and raise awareness. My occasional blogs are a small contribution to helping raise awareness about plastic consumption. It's a journey down a long and twisty road, not a quick zip down a super highway.
The cool thing is once you start to raise your awareness- you find yourself making small but significant steps. Each week I find myself making better choices and feeling proud of the progress I have made.
Here are some great places to check out to raise your plastic awareness a bit higher.
On Facebook-
Plastic Pollution Coalition - this is such a great site for info and tips, I love it! And they have lots of great graphics to share.
Snapshots of Simplicity- this is a reflective page with thoughtful posts including "What's in my Grocery Bag" and "Hanging Out With Seagulls".
On Instagram-
Anita Horan has a #plasticfreeproduce campaign going on right now because really there is no reason to buy bananas wrapped in plastic. Just saying!
Justgrabbits encourages folks to grab some trash, take a snap and post. Here is your chance to find out about trash all over the globe.
Plastic Free Mermaid-Kate Nelson is an Australian mermaid with lots of tips to switch out the plastic.
And finally on Pinterest
Monterey Bay Aquarium has an idea board for plastic free living.
Hope you are inspired and find some good online support for reducing your plastic consumption.